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Writing Tips for an Essay in APA Format – Guide


American Psychological Association (APA) formatting was used initially in education, psychology, and social sciences but now like MLA it is being used widely across disciplines. APA format has got some guidelines that are to be followed in order to format your research paper properly. It is equally important to make a wise choice when you search for write my essay service.

Here are the general formatting tips:


There should be one-inch margins on all sides

Title Page

The title or cover page is the first page of your research that should include your name, name of institution, course number, instructor name, and due date.

Running Header

The 6th edition of APA does not require a running header whereas the 7th edition does require a running header. It contains the title of the short paper and page number. These should appear on the top right corner of the page.


Abstracts do not appear mostly in student papers but are incorporated when the paper was to be published because it gives the summarized version of your paper. Abstract appears after the cover page and the title 'abstract' is centered. Always try to use active voice and it should not exceed the word limit of 250 words.


The page number should appear on the top right corner of the page including the cover page. Next, write a bold and centered title. It should not be italicized or underlined. All new paragraphs are indented.

Headings and Subheadings

There are five different levels of headings:

Level 1

This is the title of the paper that is bold and centered. Consists of lower and upper case letters where necessary.

Level 2

The headings in this level are left-aligned and are bolded. Use both the cases as per necessity.

Level 3

These are also left-aligned, bolded and there is a period at the end of the heading.

Level 4

Left-aligned, bolded, and indented. Both cases are used and the period is placed at the end of the heading.

Level 5

Bolded, indented, and italicized. Upper and lower cases are used as per necessity and put a period in the end. All these headings are doubled spaced.

These different levels of headings should be carefully dealt with. Students often fail to ensure the proper formatting and secure poor grades in research papers, especially those who avail cheapest essay writer.

In-text Citation in APA formatting

If you have included a direct quote, summary, or paraphrase of another source in your paper then you have to mention the consulted source. In APA formatting, for in-text citation name of the author and year of publication are required i.e. (Johnson, 2021). If there are two authors, they should be separated by an ampersand i.e. (Smith & James, 2020). If there are three or more than three authors then ‘et al.’ should be written with the second name of the first author I.e. (Raymond et al. 2021).

Reference Page

This appears at the end of the research paper under the title of 'references' that is center-aligned. It is told but not underlined or italicized. All the entries should be in alphabetical order and doubled spaced. The font size should be 12 with a style of Ariel, Calibri Times New Roman. Any piece of information that you have added in your paper from outside should have a reference and entry. If you note your sources as you use them in your paper, you will not have to rush to the essay writing service at the eleventh hour. Therefore, it is highly advisable to maintain the record of the sources you use in your paper during research. Reference list helps the reader track the information you have consulted and also it acknowledges the works of others that have helped you in your research.

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